Monday, November 4, 2013


I finally was able to get dressed up for Halloween 2013. It was my brother's 30th birthday so we had a big post Halloween costume party bash. Per usual I dressed up as a professional wrestler. I think this is the 4th or 5th year in a row. This year my buddy Adam and myself dressed up as the greatest tag team in the world right now, the Young Bucks. It was a great time had by all, there were some Ninja Turtles, some X-Men, a leprechaun, a cat, an old couple, and many, many more at the party.

The coolest event of the weekend was what transpired on Twitter and Instagram. Adam posted our picture on Twitter and tagged the Young Bucks so they can see our awesomely sweet costumes. Within minutes they retweeted us. It definitely made my night. What made the situation way more awesome, was that Matt Jackson, one of the Young Bucks, put our picture on his Instagram account. His brother, Nick Jackson, commenting  that we had the best costume ever. We had over 100 something likes on the Gram, from other professional wrestlers and followers. It was a really cool experience. It shows how cool the Jacksons aka the Young Bucks are, and that they really appreciate their fans. They are on a tour of Japan right now and I'm sure are busy with their wrestling schedules and they gave Adam and I a great story to tell.It was a Halloween miracle.

These guys should be making millions of dollars in the "Big Leagues" because they are so damn talented. I'll link up a video. Follow them on twitter @MattJackson13 and @NickJacksonYB
Follow them on Instagram
I'm not sure what their names on The Vine are, but they have some great stuff on there as well.
Young Bucks Video check out this video on Youtube and see what I'm talking about. Their home promotion is  PWG where they are the current tag team champions.

You're probably wondering why the title of this entry is #fatbucks. Well the internet is the internet and there are always smartasses, but that was one of the comments on our picture on Instagram. I actually found it pretty damn funny myself. Remember check out the Young Bucks! They rule!

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