Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Podcast Review: AOW w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 174 features the best wrestler of all time. I say this not only because he has sold the most t-shirts of all time in wrestling, but he is the total package in and out of the ring. Stone Cold was my idol for the longest time. Watching him as teenager, I was able to connect with his anti-authoritative character. Not saying I was a rebel of any sorts, but it's what wrestling needed at the time and the character I needed at the time. Colt Cabana mentioned that he talked to Stone Cold on Twitter and was trying to get him on as a guest. Stone Cold actually had Colt on his show a few weeks before this podcast was released.

The conversation between the two was fluid, and it seemed like they have been friends for a long time. They delved into Stone Cold's early career which really wasn't covered before. I've watched a lot of WWE/ WWF/ WCW/ ECW documentaries and what they covered was pre- all of that. They talked about how Austin got into the business, who he trained with and some stories that I've never heard. If you haven't started listening to the Art of Wrestling Podcast, this is a perfect episode to jump in on. If you like the format, all the other episodes will be just as entertaining. Even the Harvey Whippleman episode was great. And I knew next to nothing about Harvey Whippleman.

At the end of the podcast, Austin suggested that him and Colt break down their favorite matches in a special edition of each other's shows. I really hope that this made into a reality. I can't really get enough of Stone Cold Steve Austin even though he's been off  wrestling TV for about ten years now.

I give this podcast 5 out of 5 Burning Lariats.

Listen to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher Radio or

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