Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Talk is Jericho

Tallllllkkk isssssss Jerichooooooo

A lot of wrestling Podcasts have hit the scene lately. I think people are finally realizing the potential of this format. Colt Cabana has mastered the art form over the last couple years. Stone Cold Steve Austin has jumped on board and created a very entertaining show. There are talks that WWE just started their own podcast as well. Now my ears will be flooded with more wrestling talk, which is cool in my book, with the addition of Chris Jericho.

Y2J has always been one of my favorites, even his days with Ralphus as his bodyguard. He's always been a natural one the mic, and it really translates well onto the podcast. He doesn't have the energy of a Colt Cabana or has the intensity of Stone Cold, but he can deliver a good interview. I think the quality of his first few guests have really attributed to that. I've listened to the Stone Cold two parter along with Edge's two part interview. Edge is a guy that doesn't really get talked about a lot, but he was fantastic. He made John Cena matches worth watching back in the early Cena days. His story is pretty unique and his "retired" life is very interesting as well. Jericho's third guest was Bret the Hitman Hart, and I can't wait to get that one started.

Jericho's podcast is a little different because it doesn't always focus on wrestling. One of his guests was his father Ted Irvine. His father was a pro hockey player and has a huge influence on Chris' life. The most recent episodes feature members of the bands Anthrax and Dream Theater, so the topics vary. If you can fit another podcast into your schedule, Talk is Jericho is definitely worth checking out.

You can listen to it here: http://podcastone.com/Talk-Is-Jericho

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