Monday, March 3, 2014

Building a Solid Heavy Metal Collection: Part 11 of 25

Seeing that today is the 28th birthday of Master of Puppets, I figured I take the opportunity to talk about my favorite album of all time. I know I say, "man I love this CD," or "this is my favorite!" quite a bit. I 100% mean it when I talk about Master of Puppets by Metallica.

Master of Puppets was released approximately four months and six days before I was born. It took me ten years to listen to it for the first time, but I couldn't really help that since toddlers don't usually thrash it up. Mine will, but unfortunately my parents weren't into the heavy metal scene.

Now where do I start to discuss the genius of this album? I consider it the best thrash album of all time, front to back. How about I start with the cover art? When I first saw the image of hundreds of crosses, being controlled the puppet master's hand, I didn't know what to think. It's not until my 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. and experienced Arlington National Cemetery for the first time, when I finally realized the message Metallica was trying to convey. That trip was special because it was my first dose of reality. Sure you've heard of all the craziness that's happened throughout history, and it just goes in one ear and out the other, but seeing those gravestones amassed in perfect alignment resonates heavily on a young mind. We hit up the mall that trip and I was able to find a Master of Puppets flag and I spent most of my money obtaining it, but I still have it to this day.

Just by the cover, I can tell this is a serious album. The musicianship is equally serious. Cliff Burton, the greatest bass player to ever grace the Earth, wrote a lot of the guitar riffs on this album. Cliff studied classical, old school rock and punk to create his sound. So when you mix that with the Kirk Hammett solo machine and James Hetfield's lyrical apex, you have a stainless piece of heavy metal steel.

It's hard to pick a few tracks off of here to spotlight. Master of Puppets is worth your time, every time. Orion could be the most beautiful metal song ever. Every time I listen to it, I get goosebumps. From Burton's memorable bass to Hammett's wailing guitar, Orion is full of passion and enchantment. A truly magical song. Disposable Heroes attributes to the unwieldy tone of the album. It's fast, unrelenting and almost punishing. The song Master of Puppets will go down as one of their most popular songs of all time. When I was in a thrash band in high school, Puppets was my favorite song to cover because of its energizing pace, and its shifting pieces. Its the fastest eight minute song, and I don't mean tempo. Its so awesome, you don't realize how long you've been listening to it. I had a complete blast tearing through that song every time.

Any music collection should include Master of Puppets. Its the most important metal CD of all time. Self-titled sold more records, but the importance of Master of Puppets is paramount. I feel like I grew up along with Master of Puppets and I am glad to celebrate its birthday.

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