Saturday, October 26, 2013

Movie Review: Zombie Hunter

I am a huge zombie fan. I've seen all of Romero's and O'Bannon's zombie flicks, I've read all of the issues of the Walking Dead and have collected all of Marvel's zombie comics. I guess I have high expectations when it comes to new zombie movies. I've been reluctant to watch World War Z because I loved Max Brooks' book and I'm afraid what Hollywood would do to it. I will watch World War Z sometime soon and give you the review on that one.

But in the meantime let's focus on Zombie Hunter. This was a straight to Blu-Ray release "starring" Danny Trejo. I put starring in quotes because he is the main draw for this movie. I love the guy but he was only on screen for about 10 minutes total. Trejo's parts were definitely the best part of this movie and I wish there was more Trejo action.

Here's a quick synopsis of the movie. There is a drug going around called "Natas" which is Satan backwards. Pretty clever there. This drug looks like Pepto Bismo and is supposedly the most addictive drug in the world. Somehow is turns people into killer zombies. The movie starts after the drug and zombies have ravaged the world. I really enjoyed the concept and easily over saw the cheesiness of the opening sequence because I was ready for Trejo tear apart zombies left and right. Instead we meet Hunter, who is the zombie hunter. He lost his family and was a former user of the drug. His only goal in life is to hunt and kill zombies. I'm assuming every actor/ actress was told to cheese it up for their roles. At least I hope so because I've seen way better acting on SyFy original movies.

With all the zombie options out there, I would definitely skip Zombie Hunter. The story is decent, the acting is miserable, the CGI is pretty horrendous, and the amount of Danny Trejo on-screen time really disappointed me. The only saving grace was the sequence with the "Funnyman." He is a killer with a chainsaw in a clown mask. Not sure why they included him since it's a zombie movie, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. By the time you reach this scene it's too little, too late.

I give Zombie Hunter 1 out of 5 Burning Lariats.

Rated: Not-rated
Run-time: 93 Minutes

Movie poster provided by

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